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Office of the Chancellor

在玛丽·汉斯莱的领导下,埃德.D., the Blinn College District has established itself as a community college district at the forefront of student-centered programming and innovative partnerships.

Dr. Hensley’s accomplishments:

  • Continued to rank No. 在得克萨斯州的学术转学率第一. 根据德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会的数据,布林的学术转学率为45%.4%领先于所有德州社区学院,大大超过了全州平均水平的26%.0%.
  • Prepared and submitted the Compliance Certification as a part of Blinn’s reaffirmation of accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
  • 制定并获得董事会批准,将Blinn的新质量提升计划(QEP)提交给SACSCOC. The QEP, 题为《威尼斯人博彩》, 会否为参加发展性阅读课程的学生提供学术支持, writing, and mathematics courses. 这种支持将以识字教学和在线支持的形式提供, guided advising, 并通过学院的学习中心进行辅导, Writing Center, faculty, and campus libraries.
  • 制定并获得董事会批准,将Blinn的新战略计划提交给SACSCOC. 该战略计划包括Blinn的使命和愿景声明, strategic priorities, and a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) assessment.
  • Received national recognition as a Bellwether College Consortium Legacy Award finalist in February 2024 in recognition of Blinn’s role as a partner in the RELLIS Academic Alliance. The Legacy Award, 这个威尼斯人娱乐城每五年才在一年一度的社区大学未来大会上展示一次, 表彰一个创新的社区大学威尼斯人娱乐城,证明学生五年或五年以上的成功.
  • 于2023年12月获得德克萨斯州劳动力委员会颁发的全明星大学奖. 该奖项旨在表彰一所社区大学, technical college, 或德州工程推广服务,他们的努力和合作改善了德州的劳动力系统和当地社区, creating, 并促进技能提高和培训,以最好地支持业务需求. 布林因其支持当地商业社区的许多方式而受到认可, including the College’s:
    • 广泛的技术课程,旨在培养不同行业所需的特定技能, 包括制造业等高需求领域, healthcare, information technology, skilled trades, and transportation;
    • 职业和技术教育威尼斯人娱乐城, 哪些学校为学生提供实践培训和行业认可的证书,为学生获得证书打开了道路, 大专及学士学位;
    • Corporate College, 与当地雇主和行业合作伙伴合作,开发和教授反映当前行业趋势和需求的课程;
    • transfer pathways, which facilitate the seamless transfer of credits toward bachelor’s degree programs and encourage individuals to pursue higher education while providing them with a cost-effective and flexible pathway;
    • 小企业发展中心, 德克萨斯州休斯顿大学墨西哥湾沿岸SBDC网络的商业咨询和培训中心,服务于德克萨斯州东南部的32个县;
    • 劳动力发展补助金, 包括技能发展基金补助金, Skills for Small Business, 以及自给自足基金, 支持员工发展计划,提高企业员工的技能.
  • Earned recognition for the second consecutive year as a Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges Award winner by the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) and Diverse: Issues in Higher Education Magazine. “社区学院工作前景奖”旨在表彰那些在家庭友好方面做出杰出贡献的社区和技术学院, salary/benefits, 专业发展机会.
  • Ranked as the No. 根据NursingProcess,美国西南部的副学士护理课程.org. 该排名是根据一种考虑每个威尼斯人娱乐城学术质量的方法制定的, 全国理事会执照考试(NCLEX)第一次通过率, affordability, and reputation.
  • Ranked as the No. 根据UniversityHQ,全美运动机能学副学士学位.该网站为希望接受高等教育的学生提供全面的信息.
  • Ranked as the No. 根据BestColleges排名全国第6的经济学副学士学位.com. 排名依据的是学术质量, affordability, 和在线能力,同时使用来自高等教育综合数据系统(IPEDS)和大学导航的数据, 两者都是由国家教育统计中心(NCES)主办的.
  • Signed a new articulation agreement with Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) that provides clear bachelor’s degree pathways in business administration, 计算机信息系统, 平面设计和媒体艺术, healthcare administration, nursing, and psychology. This agreement, 从2023年秋季开始生效, 还允许布林学生在SNHU的学费上节省10%.
  • Signed a new articulation agreement with Houston Christian University (HCU) in July 2023 providing Blinn students with seamless pathways to bachelor’s degrees cyber engineering, computer science, 还有电气工程. This agreement also includes a co-enrollment pathway for students to earn their Associate of Science in Electrical Engineering from Blinn and their Bachelor of Science in Cyber Engineering from HCU.
  • Signed a new co-admission and transfer agreement with Lamar University in August 2023 that provides Blinn students with seamless transfer pathways toward bachelor’s degrees in accounting, business, communication studies, computer game development, computer science, criminal justice, electrical engineering, exercise science, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, music, nursing, and university studies.
  • 与德州体育协会签署了一份新的衔接协议&M University-Commerce in September 2023 providing Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science students to apply their credits at Blinn toward a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Fire Science at Texas A&M-Commerce.
  • Signed a new articulation agreement with Texas Woman’s University (TWU) in October 2023 providing Blinn students an opportunity to co-enroll at Blinn and TWU while earning their Associate of Arts in Music – Field of Study from Blinn and their Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy from TWU. 该协议为今后将这种伙伴关系扩展到其他学位威尼斯人娱乐城奠定了基础.
  • 与西德克萨斯体育学院签署了一份新的衔接协议&M University in February 2024 that will allow Blinn students to transfer credits from their Associate of Applied Science in Fire Safety and Health to a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Fire Science from West Texas A&M.
  • Initiated development of a new co-enrollment partnership with Tarleton State University that will provide Blinn students with a clear pathway toward a bachelor’s degree in digital media studies through the RELLIS Academic Alliance.
  • 发起发展新的共同招生伙伴关系与斯蒂芬·F. Austin State University that will allow Blinn Associate Degree Nursing students to complete their Bachelor of Science in Nursing in as little as one semester after earning their associate degree.
  • 发起与德克萨斯大学的联合招生和转学伙伴关系的发展&M University-Corpus Christi that will provide fully online pathways for Blinn students to complete their business bachelor’s degrees with TAMU-Corpus Christi.
  • 发起了与德克萨斯大学的新的联合招生和转学伙伴关系的发展&M大学酒店学院.
  • 启动与德州理工大学的新转学协议. 有关威尼斯人娱乐城和学位途径的对话正在进行中.
  • Hosted the Texas 10th 上诉法院在布莱恩校园学生中心审理了三起判例案件. 这次访问为Blinn学生提供了机会, faculty, 工作人员有机会见证法院在审理判例案件时履行职责.
  • 与国家基础设施和交通中心以及德州农协合作&M运输学院将于2023年秋季启动为期15周的重型公路建设威尼斯人娱乐城. 这个威尼斯人娱乐城为学生准备高薪, 高速公路建设的高需求职业,薪水在40美元左右,000 range. Through the program, 学生们获得了记录的技能, 计划和规格阅读, math, surveying and site layout, soils and compaction, 以及热混合沥青(HMA)混合料的放置和现场测试.
  • Obtained $889,德克萨斯州劳动力委员会为当地商业伙伴提供定制化的职业培训,提供了499美元的技能发展基金赠款. This includes a $422,387美元的拨款用于提高亨德里克斯工业公司和凯马克公司290名员工在最先进的新制造工厂的技能,以及467美元,112拨款用于培训340名蓝铃乳品公司和西南服务公司的员工进行设施管理和制造.
  • 发起$822,099技能发展基金补助金. These submitted proposals, 正在等待德州劳动力委员会的批准, include a $542,为260名大金全球和HRD Aero员工提供空中系统技术和飞机维修方面的培训,并提供279美元,为270名Tempur Sealy和East Coast Mouldings Distribution员工提供制造和商业技能培训.
  • 在24财年招收了278名学生参加电气预学徒计划, 超过了布拉索斯谷劳动力解决方案公司设定的200名学生的目标, which provided a $300,给这个威尼斯人娱乐城拨款.
  • 成人教育和扫盲威尼斯人娱乐城招收了317名学生, which provides educational support and opportunities for individuals who are at least 16 years old; lack a high school credential; want to enhance their basic reading, writing or math skills; are unable or want to improve the ability to speak, read or write English; or are seeking career training, 高中同等学历或大学预科.
  • 在全国委员会执照考试(NCLEX-RN)中,护理人员到注册护士威尼斯人娱乐城的第一次通过率为100%. 这次考试的成功完成使布林首届毕业班的八名成员有资格从事广泛的护理职位, including pediatric, geriatric, hospice, school, and clinical nursing. 德克萨斯州护理委员会报告称,2022年全州NCLEX-RN通过率为84%.28%,全国通过率为79.91%.
  • 在美国放射技师注册(ARRT)认证考试中发布了100%的放射技术计划第一次尝试合格率. 这次考试的成功完成使布林毕业班的13名成员有资格成为放射技术专家. art报告称全国通过率约为80%.
  • 在2023年4月主持了口腔卫生计划的年度给孩子一个微笑活动. This event provided $18,587美元,在布莱恩的威尼斯人博彩牙科卫生诊所为82名地区儿童提供免费牙科护理, 自2011年成立以来, 这次活动提供了大约259美元,035 in donated care.
  • 与沃勒商学院签署谅解备忘录,开始在华盛顿大学开设Blinn课程.C. 沃勒菲尔德商店路20950号的舒尔茨初中. 布林从2024年春季学期开始在这里开设夜校.
  • Initiated development of a dual-credit career and technical education partnership that will provide Waller ISD students courses that apply toward associate degrees in programs such as cybersecurity, drone technology, graphic design, and mechatronics.
  • 2024年1月,在沃勒校区举办了一站式注册活动,帮助学生注册春季学期. This event offered students assistance in completing their application and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and allowed students to meet with an advisor and register for classes.
  • 与沃勒高中签署协议,在沃勒高中开设双学分课程. 在2023年秋季的人口普查日,布林招收了203名沃勒高中的双学分课程学生. 布林目前与当地学区共签订了56份双学分协议.
  • Established new Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) agreements with College Station ISD’s College View High School and Bellville ISD’s Bellville High School. P-TECH partnerships are innovative dual-credit programs that prepare students for trades and technology careers and provide them with an opportunity to earn both a high school diploma and a workforce credential or associate degree.
  • Provided dual-credit services through early college partnerships with Bryan ISD at Bryan Collegiate High School and Royal ISD at Royal Early College High School that allowed 27 students to earn their associate degrees from Blinn while simultaneously earning their high school diplomas.
  • 2023年秋季共招收了18301名学生.比2022年秋季增长26%. This included 6,布莱恩校区有103名学生, 3,945 online students, 3,802 RELLIS students, 2,145名高中双学分学生, 2,109名布伦汉姆校区学生, 59名舒伦堡校区学生, 41 Sealy Campus students, and 97 other students.

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  • Sharon Johnston
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Phone: 979-830-4115


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Mary Hensley, Ed.D.